How Much do Hair Stylists Make? (Average Salary 2022)

How Much do Hair Stylists Make? (Average Salary 2022)

Women and hair stylists are practically best friends but it brings you to ask questions like how much do hair stylists make? Read on and get the full details on how much do hair stylist make.

How Much Does a Hair Stylist Make?

How Much do Hair Stylists Make? (Average Salary 2022)

The average hourly wage for a HAIR Stylist in the United States as of August 17, 2022 is $16.00.

While ZipRecruiter reports hourly pay ranges from $6.73 to $30.53, most HAIR Stylist salaries in the US are now between $10.82 and $17.79 (25th to 75th percentiles).

Given the wide range of salary (up to $6.97) for a HAIR Stylist, there may be numerous prospects for income increases and promotion based on experience level, location, and skill level.

Your local average hourly wage for a HAIR Stylist is $16, which is $0.04 (0%) greater than the $16.00 nationwide average. Ranked first nationwide among the 50 states for HAIR Stylist pay.

As millions of current jobs are advertised locally around America, ZipRecruiter regularly searches our database to determine the most precise hourly salary range for HAIR Stylist positions. 


What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for HAIR Stylist Jobs

How Much do Hair Stylists Make? (Average Salary 2022)

We’ve identified ten cities where the average HAIR Stylist pay is higher than the national average. Atkinson, NE, is at the top of the list, followed closely by San Jose, CA, and Frankston, TX, which are ranked second and third, respectively.

Atkinson, NE adds $8,845 (26.6%) above the $33,285 average to Frankston, TX’s $6,498 (19.5%) advantage over the national average.

Given that the average salary in these ten places is higher than the national average, moving appears to be an extremely effective way for a HAIR Stylist to enhance their career.

The average pay for these top 10 cities ranges only 9% between Atkinson, Nebraska, and Norwalk, Connecticut, underscoring the few possibilities for significant wage advancement.

The ideal aspect to employ when weighing location and compensation for a HAIR Stylist career may be the potential for a cheaper cost of living.

CityAnnual SalaryHourly Wage
Atkinson, NE$42,130$20.26
San Jose, CA$40,062$19.26
Frankston, TX$39,783$19.13
Jackson, WY$39,617$19.05
Diamond Ridge, AK$39,582$19.03
Seattle, WA$38,714$18.61
Barnstable Town, MA$38,557$18.54
Santa Barbara, CA$38,346$18.44
Inverness, CA$38,264$18.40
Norwalk, CT$38,184$18.36

What are Top 5 Best Paying Related HAIR Stylist Jobs in the U.S

How Much do Hair Stylists Make? (Average Salary 2022)

There are at least five positions in the HAIR Stylist job category that pay more annually than the average HAIR Stylist salary, according to our research.

Top examples of these positions include freelance hair stylist, on-set hair stylist working from home, and hair restoration.

It’s important to note that the salaries for these positions range from $37,270 (112.0%) to $92,430 (277.7%) over the $33,285 average HAIR Stylist income.

If you meet the requirements, you might be able to earn more money than the average HAIR Stylist position by being hired for one of these related positions.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryHourly Wage
Work From Home On Set Hair Stylist$125,715$60.44
Hair Restoration$87,699$42.16
Freelance Hair Stylist$86,553$41.61
Hair Modeling$72,008$34.62
Senior Hairdresser$70,555$33.92

That is it for how much does a hair stylist make. So if you are curious to know or are planning to dive into a career in a hair stylist, you surely won’t be disappointed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does a Hairdresser Make? Hairdressers made a median salary of $27,380 in 2020. The best-paid 25 percent made $37,970 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $21,520.

The highest-paid state for stylists is Washington with an average salary of $52,126 per year.

Skincare specialists are among the top paid hands-on cosmetologists working with public clients; those in the top 10% of the field earn $64,610 or more per year.

Believe it or not, making six figures as a hairstylist is completely possible. While it is possible, it’s going to take a lot of hard work, discipline, and determination. There are plenty of stylists out there making six figures who aren’t celebrities or work in high-end shops.

Hair styling can be a highly creative, fulfilling career offering a wide range of specializations and continual growth. It takes the #6 spot on U.S. News and World Report’s list of best jobs without a college degree, and boasts a well below-average unemployment rate of 2.2 percent.

The average number of clients a hair stylist have a day is 12. Most stylists have somewhere between 6-20 clients per day but the right number of clients depends on several factors.

For bigger budgets, such as £3m to £6m, freelance hair stylists can potentially earn between £7.68 to £25.31 an hour, and for budgets of £20m to £30m, freelancers can earn between £8.34 to £28.14 an hour.

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